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Claims Support Made Simple

We're here for you at every step, with expert advice and support, keeping everything moving towards a positive resolution.

You may have a claim for compensation and we’ll help you make it.

Orion Claims are here to fight your corner against the injustice you have experienced. We stick up for people who have been mis-led, mis-sold and taken advantage of. Our experienced panel of solicitors can help you claim compensation for a number of cases, all of which involve some form of unfairness and exploitation.

We pride ourselves on our work. We have access to qualified solicitors who will deal with your unique case individually. You will be assigned the same solicitor throughout your case, acting as your point of contact. You will be kept up to date with all of the work we do, with no upfront payments, and a No Win, No Fee policy.

How Our Claim Experts Help?

We are experts in what we do. Complete our no-obligation case assessment today.

Streamlined Claims Process To Progress Your Claim Hassle-Free!

Our claims process is designed to be simple, quick, and hassle-free for our clients. We understand that our clients have more important things in life to focus on, so we want to make sure that the claims process is as simple as possible. Our team of experienced claims handlers is always on hand to guide our clients through the process, from submitting the claim to receiving compensation.

We are on your side throughout the claims process.

Clients can submit a claim online or by phone, and we aim to process all claims within a reasonable timeframe. We pride ourselves on being transparent with our clients about the claims process, providing regular updates on the status of the claim, and answering any questions or concerns they may have. Our goal is to ensure that our clients are satisfied with the service they receive from start to finish, and that includes our claims process.